Political power has shifted, he said, and cities can no longer deliver votes or campaign contributions to candidates as they once did.
"You really want results, then you deliver votes - not abstentions."
Why was he delivering votes to a Republican Governor?
Indians have always been loyal Democratic supporters, but for years they could only deliver votes, not campaign contributions.
Mayor Giuliani delivered crucial votes, but the initiative was not his.
But the idea that a running mate can deliver votes has always been dubious, and it's even less tenable today.
In the first place, he says, they demonstrate that the power of local politicians to deliver votes is at a record low.
But he said that Democrats were prepared to deliver difficult votes "if we can help craft the product of hard decisions."
In his prime, he could deliver votes for a chosen candidate to within 100 of the exact number needed to win.
He said one offered to deliver votes in exchange for a fee of $250,000.