I'll deliver it to your sweet hands.
Like all eReaders, the ARCHOS 70c eReader is a portable reading device that can deliver an entire book right to your hands, classics to best sellers.
It is especially important that Stoner be delivered to our hands.
Spanswick, 50, returned a few minutes later with a mash hammer and delivered blows to Mr Curren's hands as he tried to protect himself.
They could remember him as he was in the freshness and strength of his young manhood, when he kissed his child and delivered it to its mother's hands and went away into that long oblivion.
He very honestly had my letter delivered to my governess's own hands, and brought me back an answer from her in writing; and when he gave me the answer, gave me the shilling again.
I am, in this, commanded to deliver The noble Duke of Clarence to your hands.
The group decided to murder the king by poisoning a petition, to be delivered to his own hands.
B Map Unsurpassed communist kitsch delivered straight to your hands from the axis of evil.