After a few minutes of delivering radiation to a tumor, the iridium is pulled from the catheter by a wire.
Or it may be given externally by delivering radiation from an outside source (pelvic radiation).
A: The technology has improved so that each mammogram X-ray delivers less radiation than before, further lowering the already low cancer risk.
The side with the seeds faces the eyeball and delivers radiation to the eye.
The treatment appears to have delivered three times as much radiation to the tumor as to the surrounding tissue.
APBI is a way of delivering radiation to the breast for five days or less, rather than six to eight weeks.
The seeds deliver high-dose radiation directly to the prostate for a predetermined length of time.
Radiosurgery is a method of delivering radiation directly to the tumor with little damage to healthy tissue.
APBI is used to deliver radiation as part of breast conservation therapy.
Other devices utilize multiple catheters to deliver radiation.