We never missed a mission, never failed to deliver ordnance on target.
This forced the weapons storage facility to deliver ordnance well ahead of the frag orders.
The Armageddon is a heavy bomber used for delivering heavier ordnance like cluster bombs loaded with landmines.
There are three basic methods used to deliver ordnance onto targets in a strategic bombing campaign.
This would certainly have been sufficient for delivering military ordnance on a transcontinental skip-glide strike mission.
The Helldiver, however, could still deliver ordnance with more precision against specific targets and its two seat configuration permitted a second set of eyes.
The Japanese planes stayed out of the light AAA envelope except when actually delivering ordnance.
The F-111 was an all-weather attack aircraft, capable of low-level penetration of enemy defenses to deliver ordnance on the target.
This has distinct utility in the employment of air delivered ordnance in close proximity to key urban structures as part of an ongoing influence campaign.
Its mission was to deliver conventional or nuclear ordnance to enemy targets.