Shotgun shells, to the uninitiated, can be used to deliver sub-lethal munitions.
Although helicopters were still grounded due to the sand storm, aircraft could fly above the sand and deliver GPS-guided munitions.
But if the mission doesn't demand it, the Valkyrie can deliver munitions like a tactical aircraft and come back.
The F-111Fs from Lakenheath were chosen for their capability to fly long distances and deliver laser-guided munitions with great accuracy.
Before France officially entered the war in 1778, Beaumarchais played a major role in delivering French munitions, money and supplies to the American army.
The Q-5A variant is believed to be capable of delivering nuclear munitions.
It can deliver conventional munitions up to 19 km.
He served with the 4th Canadian Division Ammunition Column, delivering munitions by mule.
Ukraine also confirmed that it delivered munitions and artillery systems to Georgia in September 2008.