As a commercial ship, she was to deliver general merchandise.
There are no printing costs, no warehousing, no trucks or planes to deliver merchandise.
It established a ground transport system for itself and others and set up innovative regional distribution centers to deliver merchandise to stores more swiftly.
Delivered merchandise to their mountain retreat at considerably above the market prices.
I'm delivering merchandise, that's all, as a business.
The Right Away trucking company of Newark, which handles shipping for several garment center companies, made its entire fleet available to deliver merchandise.
"I prefer not to deliver damaged merchandise."
The immediate cause of Filene's Basement's troubles was that suppliers had stopped delivering merchandise because they feared the chain would not meet its financial obligations.
Drivers have arrived as early as 3 A.M., lining up to deliver showroom stage sets and merchandise.
The vendors would then use part of the profits to pay cash or deliver merchandise to the official.