The most notable was an extended remix which omitted the "courtroom drama" and featured Prince delivering much more personal lyrics.
Winans, in contrast, delivers far less aggressive lyrics in his characteristic R&B style.
Unfortunately, he often uses that voice to deliver lyrics that are both overheated and undercooked.
He usually delivers lyrics in either slow short sections or long fast spoken segments in a deep bass range.
Her music was described as being able to "deliver lyrics in a manner that hits close to the heart and draws an emotional response."
It's no surprise to hear Nergal delivering lyrics full of tributes to obscure gods and cold worlds.
And she delivers hard lyrics in a warm voice, somewhere between a bark and a purr.
However, she decided to use the song to go against the grain and deliver lyrics in contrast of female promiscuity lines delivered by fellow female artists.
Throughout the song, Muir delivers lyrics about crooked preachers stealing from gullible believers.
And throughout the album, Quasimoto delivers meter-busting lyrics full of inside jokes, nonsensical leaps.