Callahan has made his mark by delivering jokes and heart-rending epiphanies in the same even, resonant tone.
Without laughter from an audience, he added, "you can't deliver jokes in the same way - you have to take it way down."
A very cheerful, jovial man, he constantly cares for the babies he delivers and tells jokes.
Often, he used his famous sense of humor to deliver thinly veiled jokes that devastated the Marcos's power and style.
Blue, the drummer, would sometimes deliver corny jokes while wearing a ridiculously false beard.
He planted himself in one spot and delivered solidly written jokes with precision.
This is whats wrong with Just call me Dave, he's more interested in delivering punchlines and jokes instead of actually doing his job.
The actress playing Miss Margarida has a great deal of power to improvise, and can deliver jokes or rants inspired by audience members.
His main shtick is delivering one-liner jokes, of which he claims to have 200 of.
One white nerd ended up delivering jokes about prep school on a black comedy bill with Chris Rock.