He eventually spent what would have been his freshman season delivering furniture for a store in Salt Lake City.
My first job when I was 19 was driving a truck to deliver furniture to the air base.
A moving truck delivers more furniture to the house but this couch won't fit in through the door so it remains on the lawn.
He worked out to shed 12 pounds and also shed the job he had the year before, delivering furniture for $6 an hour.
Jack worked as a cab driver and delivered furniture, while Brenda worked in a women's clothing store.
I use it as a handcart to deliver furniture.
When I'm not teaching, saving the world from sentence fragments and wild run-ons, I deliver furniture at my family's store.
Rose tries to tell her about the four men delivering furniture, the guests arriving for a party, the magician and the band.
"Some careless workmen banged into the wall when they were delivering furniture."
Another day he delivers furniture or food to families.