However, they delivered at the moment of truth, defeating the Pistons, 94-88.
Through this program teachers get direct observation and personalized feedback delivered at the teachable moment via the internet.
It must be delivered with strength, certainly, but also at the proper moment and in the proper location.
If you deliver an effective technique at the very moment that the time-up bell sounds, then your score will be accepted.
Scanners also concentrate the dose in time, because they deliver a high dose-rate at the moment of exposure.
He accepted my offer and will deliver the letter at the earliest convenient moment.
You've been lovely and I'm leading you on but I can't deliver at the moment.
And it was delivered at the very moment the movement had achieved perhaps its purest expression, with "Umberto."
The commissioner's recollection would remain blank concerning the quick action that The Shadow had delivered at the moment of Slook's vicious swing.
Bark control collars are used to curb excessive or nuisance barking by delivering a shock at the moment the dog begins barking.