You want a nest egg that can annually deliver between 70 to 90 percent of your pretax, pre-retirement salary.
In addition, the division annually delivers a wide variety of outreach products and efforts.
The company has built 400 bulk carriers and delivers about 25 new ships annually to a worldwide client base.
It annually delivers over 30,000 chemotherapy treatments and undertakes around 3,700 operations every year.
From 1994 to 1999, pharmacies delivered around 3 million syringes annually.
Gibbs estimates that the ship delivered 120,000 cases annually, "even when the trade was slow," making one or two trips per year.
The 50-page report, delivered annually to Congress, is at
He had a director's role which involved developing a portfolio of clients and he head a target fee income to deliver annually.
Leased cars and trucks account for more than one-third of the 15 million new vehicles delivered annually.
The department of obstetrics and gynecology delivers about 5,500 babies annually.