It is a delightful novel, full of piquant expressions and thrilling adventures, (don't dare to blame me for using big words, since you do the same!)
Murdock captures that hopeful phenomenon beautifully in her delightful novel.
Now, with her delightful new novel, "Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?
"The result is her most delightful novel in years."
"The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" is the most delightful historical novel for tweens in many, many years.
A talented editor should have been able to carve a delightful novel out of the unseemly muddle that is Jump!
Mrs. Spark, I'm glad to report, has faithfully followed Mrs. Hawkins's advice, and the result is her most delightful novel in years.
The result is an "intelligent and delightful novel," Margot Livesey said here last year.
But these are small charges to bring against an otherwise intelligent and delightful novel.
In "Who's Who in Hell," Robert Chalmers's thoroughly engaging, delightful and very funny first novel, everyone already does.