It was a delightful film.
At the moment, there is no better way to see this infinitely delightful, effortlessly inventive film, which has never been released to home video in any form.
But Mr. Gutierrez Alea has created a delightful, humane film about people who love in spite of politics.
Richard has made some delightful films about a mysterious group of seals in Kent, his neck of the woods.
Variety called the film "uneven but generally delightful" and Pauline Collins "irresistible."
Those with more left-side activity had a far stronger pleasant response to the delightful films.
He's the subject of the 10-minute part-animated documentary Walk Tall, a delightful, instructive film by first-time east London director Kate Sullivan.
The film was favourably reviewed by the Los Angeles Timesas "a subtly delightful film".
For something a little different, there's "Strictly Ballroom," a delightful Australian film that played on few screens but was much bigger on video.
"Are you referring to the delightful little films that Raina masterminded?"