I knew, indeed, that the sufferings of monarchs make a delicious repast to some sort of palates.
It was a delicious repast that never got past the seventeenth course, which consisted of tiny birds roasted in honey.
Still, the delicious repast might have been bread and water for all she took notice.
After our delicious repast of fruits and cold, clear water we set off again to reach the port of Stromboli.
After a delicious repast of fruits and fresh water, we again continued our journey in order to reach the port of Stromboli.
I will spend as much time as possible planning, fixing, eating, and enjoying delicious repasts.
"After this delicious repast, we should take a peek at the medical report."
I am quite sure that only in Fairyland could such a delicious repast be prepared.
A delicious repast after the legions ofhotpups we had consumed on the voyage here.
There was never any distinction to class or species; all were Redwallers and friends, and they mingled freely, sharing the delicious repast.