The current Mrs. Boyce greeted them in the delicious coolness of the hail.
And with a delicious coolness he settled back to enjoy the ride.
That night, when Beatrice was just snuggling down into the delicious coolness of her pillow, she heard someone rap softly, but none the less imperatively, on her door.
She took his arm, and he led her inside, where delicious coolness and airy space replaced the heat of outside.
Instead, my nose and mouth were bathed by a delicious coolness.
A delicious coolness filled his skull as he and Roz broke through to each other.
Upstairs, she unlocked her apartment door with shaking hands, and they stepped through, into the delicious coolness of her fiat.
When you stood with the black side facing the Sun, you broke out in a sweat; with the silver you were braced by a delicious coolness.
I let a handful melt in my mouth and felt the delicious coolness of it going down my throat, through my body.
A soft, fresh breeze came up the stream bed, carrying away humidity, lifting the damp curls from my neck with delicious coolness.