The crowd at Meridy's is still talking, for example, about the time, years ago, when some of its members went to what they delicately refer to as a "girlie show."
Curators delicately refer to the Secret Cabinet or the "Forbidden Collection," but museum guards loudly direct visitors to "il pornografico."
They refer delicately to the "spacing" of children, underscoring that they are not talking about placing limits on family size, which would violate Islamic teaching.
Mr. Lahr wrote that Roseanne's monstrous behavior, which he delicately referred to as "the warrior spectacle," is really an expression of philosophy.
In an interview, Mr. Dole delicately referred to the tumultuous time leading up to Mr. Nixon's resignation as "the hectic days."
But even now, they need to escape occasionally to get what they delicately refer to as personal time.
I'd seen the same thing a hundred times since, what old Casimir would delicately refer to as a "refined taste for slightly unripe fruit."
My late grandmother put her faith for dealing with what she delicately referred to as "stomach upsets" in a German digestif called Underberg.
Robert Rabuck, a member of Senator Gramm's New Hampshire steering committee, delicately refers to the state's parochial concerns as "peculiarities."
Wall Street analysts delicately refer to it as "headline risk."