Some of the early inscriptions, though faint, were legible and delicately formed.
Your wife," he said, "is delicately formed but so are a great many other young women.
The shards showed how thin the wall was, how delicately formed.
Her ears were delicately formed and convoluted, and came to a point.
Its legs and feet, most delicately formed, were, like those upper members, bare.
She was winsome and pretty, no more, and her features were delicately formed.
The thin arms with the delicately formed prehensile extremities were folded over its chest.
The ears were delicately formed, close to the skull, culminating in decided points.
She dreamed there for a moment, a delicately formed woman, a shade too thin, with exquisite hands and shadowed eyes.
An example was a delicately formed face in feather-mosaic forming the head of a hairpin.