This time, we drink from delicate Herend porcelain decorated with butterflies and flowers.
The delicate porcelain tinkled as he stacked the cups, gilt and rosebuds and tea-leaves.
His face, like theirs, was tautly fleshed, the bone structure extremely fine, as if made of the most delicate porcelain.
Towards the end of the eighteenth century other Staffordshire manufacturers introduced bone china as an alternative to translucent and delicate Chinese porcelain.
But I loved the chintzware and the china, the tradition of teatime, and the delicate porcelain.
The lamps were all of delicate porcelain, thin enough for light to shine through.
She was young yet somehow ageless, with gentle blue eyes and unblemished skin like delicate porcelain.
He pulled back and looked at her, put his hand against her face as if he was touching delicate porcelain.
The doll was exquisitely made, fashioned of delicate bone-white porcelain.
Khelaryt picked up the cup in a hand that dwarfed the delicate porcelain and sipped the soup.