Critics argue that the solvent was too fierce to use on such a delicate painting.
The "very delicate painting" is on the inside of one of the windows in the chancel's south wall, which was inserted in the mid-13th century.
Airily delicate floral paintings decorate the church's simple white interior.
The scene stood empty, like a delicate painting of a park in springtime with each thing fixed in place.
His words are surrounded by delicate, strange paintings based on German fairy tales and distorted images of childhood.
That is literally true of Pat Moran's delicate reverse paintings on glass.
Many buildings still feature delicate original paintings in a well-preserved state.
They were extraordinarily exact and delicate paintings of American birds, among them the anhinga.
The success of her small, delicate, unassuming paintings is revealing.
Under the long walkway's slightly arched rooftop are more than 1,000 delicate paintings of other cool places in China.