Here they returned, bearing all manner of objects, precious and curious, hideous and delicate.
The process tends to destroy computer chips and damage other delicate objects, like food and pharmaceuticals.
It's not hard to see why: using synthetic materials, he makes heartbreakingly delicate objects that look handcrafted but come off a production line.
"Well, you define the thing very well, President, but what was the delicate object that could have produced such a vibration in your animal spirits?"
Even an accumulation of small accidents over millennia could destroy these delicate objects.
From there you pass to the Skipper Gallery to see the many magnificent and delicate objects found on the dig.
It is both breathtaking as a work of art and miraculous as a delicate object that has survived for 1,100 years.
Such delicate objects were rarely used, and the most talented of the artists were employed by the crown.
Hopefully, the icy, fresh water will have preserved many of the more delicate objects.
His delicate objects may evoke birds, ships or sticks of dynamite.