From heavy-duty items to knit and delicate garments, there's a cycle to clean and dry them within this all-in-one design.
However, among the delicate feminine garments are a few surprises: a debonair Armani suit, black men's loafers, a startling pair of purple boxer shorts.
So she produced a very exquisite and delicate garment called French cami-knickers.
Room maids will iron a delicate garment refused by the cleaners.
Her skin was as delicate and pale as the lace which trimmed her garments.
Their mother had a corset, of course, but it was nothing like these delicate garments with fine whalebone and fancy laces.
Proponents say wet cleaning is the industry's future, with stores sending the most delicate garments to centralized plants.
She pulled the delicate garment off with a flourish, standing bare-breasted in front of her window.
For more than 60 years, cleaners have dipped delicate garments in a powerful solvent, perchloroethylene, to lift stains without damaging fabric.
Several home dry cleaning kits now on the market let you launder these delicate garments using your clothes dryer.