"Do you not know how fire will feel when it eats up that delicate flesh of yours?"
The delicate flesh of his hands felt the coldness of the metal held inside.
The sea monsters would gobble your delicate dark flesh in a moment.
Thankfully, he'd kept his long, curved black claws away from delicate human flesh.
His teeth met in the delicate flesh of her throat, and he felt the soft body go limp beneath him.
There was no conversation for several minutes, as everyone concentrated on removing the small bones, then eating the delicate flesh.
It was all he could do to ease the preparation of her body, to stretch the delicate flesh with first one, then two broad fingers.
It is a popular game and food fish in Mediterranean countries, with delicate white flesh.
Some farms even grow old-fashioned Opalescents, with their delicate flesh.
His mouth was filled with her most delicate flesh.