I'm j stating flat out that you deliberately ordered that sample ; tested until nothing was left.
In the last week things went too fast, and I became 'evil'-I deliberately ordered and paid for the deaths of various people, and set in motion processes that had to lead to still other deaths.
I have some hoodlums deliberately order a robot to take itself apart for the fun of watching that happen.
But Paul Helleu, the French painter who designed the mural, most likely ordered it that way deliberately, drawing on a Medieval tradition of painting the heavens from God's perspective, he said, confirming the Vanderbilt theory.
And yet she had deliberately and fearlessly ordered him about,' instead of merely stepping around him, and then struck at him--using a weapon that could not possibly harm him.
Witnesses in a racially charged trial testified that two white police officers deliberately ordered their dogs to attack three black illegal aliens from Mozambique in 1998 as part of a dog-training exercise.
Had Doctor Keyes deliberately ordered the mixture to be poured away - or had Vorber pretended to misunderstand him?
It may be that Catherine is giving her clay balls identities rather than deliberately ordering them.
There were the voors . . . but I could not deliberately order them to attack him, either.
Following a Stocco touchdown that gave the Badgers a 10-3 lead with 23 seconds to go, Coach Bielema deliberately ordered his kickoff unit to run offsides before Taylor Mehlhaff kicked off.