To your knowledge is there any evidence to back up claims that 'climategate' was deliberately orchestrated to undermine the Copenhagen climate summit?
There have been suggestions that much of the controversy surrounding the show, such as the bickering between the judges, is deliberately orchestrated to attract publicity, and that some supposedly "spontaneous" scenes are rehearsed or refilmed.
"To be more precise, large-scale, organized, deliberately orchestrated racial violence."
"Although the repeat was deliberately orchestrated, the overall composition maintains an air of spontaneity," Leigh Wishner writes in the catalog.
Meanwhile, Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Tian Chua claimed that the ruling UMNO had deliberately orchestrated the crisis as a conspiracy to divert and frighten the people of Sabah in favour of the ruling coalition.
Laws in the UK do not allow any film footage of actual animal cruelty that has been deliberately orchestrated by film-makers.
The CIA feels that the escalation in tensions is being deliberately orchestrated by P'yongyang for a purpose, we're not sure why.
Yet, with concentration, what initially seems less like an exhibition than a mass of undifferentiated information comes into partial focus as a series of deliberately orchestrated skirmishes between conflicting principles and entities - corporate and private, decorative and essential.
The show coalesces into deliberately orchestrated skirmishes between conflicting principles and entities: corporate and private, decorative and essential.
The Israeli Government asserted that the blockade was deliberately orchestrated by Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader.