He deliberately eschews elaborate description in favour of a fast-paced narrative and deft characterization.
The Digital Equipment Corporation is deliberately eschewing international business courses in the comprehensive, multi-level training program that it is now designing.
It will be a lobbying organization and it deliberately eschews any party political association.
The young writers in the anthology deliberately eschewed many of the devices favoured by the pre-eminent British literary generation exemplified by Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie.
The album deliberately eschews the loudness wars, the recent music industry practice of competitively mastering audio to seem as loud as possible.
In contrast to Eberhard Bethge, Bonhoeffer's closest friend from later years, Hildebrandt deliberately eschewed the debate about Bonhoeffer's theology that ensued from the 1950s onwards.
Only since Schoenberg have composers been so obsessed with newness that they deliberately eschew harmonic structures that have pleased musicians and audiences for 700 years.
In 2011, a critical essay from The New Inquiry lauded this approach: "But Lee deliberately eschews the separatist narrative and isn't above mocking the knee-jerk misandry which often colored those stories.
"Welcome," she said, deliberately eschewing all the ceremony.
For example, the installations of the contemporary artist Thomas Hirschhorn deliberately eschew technical virtuosity.