It was the result of an actuation servo deliberately directed at me.
The snarl became a roar, deliberately directed at the ninja and his captive now, distracting the attacker before he could gain the car and load her inside.
White House aides were divided this evening on the question of why Mr. Bush had deliberately directed his harshest remarks toward Israel today.
It seemed clear that I was being deliberately directed to Avalon Ltd.
"That is either bloody poor shooting," Colonel Leslie said, according to the tribunal report, "or one must logically assume that the fire was deliberately directed against civilian buildings."
However, it is clear from the Commission's findings that most attacks were deliberately and indiscriminately directed against civilians.
Sometimes I shut my eyes and my ears and I refused to listen to any sound that was deliberately directed to me.
"It is clear from the commission's findings that most attacks were deliberately and indiscriminately directed against civilians," the report said.
Hence the discussion which follows is deliberately directed towards this aspect of them.
"I cannot rule out the possibility that the emissions are being deliberately directed at the Enterprise."