Riker would never deliberately challenge Picard, at least not outside of the confines of the briefing room or the captain's ready room.
In video art's early days, many artists worked in opposition to television, making videotapes that deliberately challenged broadcast norms.
'We don't know whether the Iraqi planes strayed off course or were deliberately challenging the flying ban,' he said on CBS television.
Here was a writer who deliberately challenged you to keep pace.
I use this strength to help me discover how a person will react when I deliberately challenge him.
(They also lack the confrontational nature of night rides organized by Critical Mass, a group that deliberately challenges the hegemony of the automobile.)
In London, Hussein Chalayan's abstract computer-generated flowers deliberately challenged the "pretty" esthetic of the floral print.
Anticonformity (counterconformity) refers to when an individual consciously and deliberately challenges the position or actions of the group.
Had she deliberately challenged me to look into her secret mind if I could?
Deliberately challenging his audience's assumptions and playing adroitly with tensions between the sexes, this stark feat of gamesmanship is as blunt as it is brave.