And it was all so deliberately calculated.
Each deliberately calculated move accented his altering mood.
Slight but deliberately calculated to remind Mak'Tor that, while Khogo's phrasing might be deferential, he didn't really mean it.
In a deliberately calculated move, he stood up, and she sagged helplessly in her chair, gazing up at him with wide, imploring eyes.
German policy for the invasion, and instructions to the troops, were deliberately calculated either to kill these 20 to 30 million through starvation, or force them to flee to Siberia.
Hatred, No." - was deliberately calculated to set a conciliatory tone.
Bashir gave a deliberately calculated half-bow, then gestured to the humans and Bajorans to accompany him to sickbay.
That seemed as deliberately calculated to annoy him as moving had.
His own elaborate appearance of ease was deliberately calculated to infuriate the gambler.
Dukakis spokesmen say, however, that the Governor's position is deliberately calculated.