"If you ask me, some folks are deliberately blowing this all out of proportion," the creature said, directing his com- ments to the dracon.
Every lawyer and real estate broker has stories of buyers with cold feet deliberately blowing the board interview.
He's going to deliberately blow his cover.
When the Russian garrison left the fortress in 1711 following the Great Northern War, they deliberately blew up much of the fortifications and the castle, but later restored some of it.
Eli Lewis took his time, deliberately blowing dust off the small glass before he tipped the contents of a bottle of concentrated orange juice into it.
He deliberately blew the blue smoke away from Nicholas.
Deliberately blowing smoke at the flies.
Deliberately blowing the cover of an intelligence or law enforcement official for no good reason is considered by nearly all Americans, regardless of their political affiliations, to be a despicable act.
PS Dunn later explained that although he was aware of the gurgling he ignored it, believing Alder was deliberately blowing through the blood to "try and upset" the officers.
"I think they deliberately blew it the other night," said Barkley.