Mr. Arlacchi has said the project was a mistake, and initial findings cleared him of deliberate wrongdoing.
A person won't be liable to a penalty for a non deliberate wrongdoing if they can show that they have a reasonable excuse.
Day stated publicly that she believed her husband innocent of any deliberate wrongdoing, stating that he "simply trusted the wrong person".
It is not easy to determine whether last week's irregularities were the product of deliberate wrongdoing or simply an extraordinary display of incompetence.
But lawyers involved in the system say that in the majority of the estimated 17,500 guardianships across the state, deliberate wrongdoing is not an issue.
He was reinstated the following month, following a report which cleared him of any deliberate wrongdoing.
Bannon remained as Premier during three inquiries, the last two of which cleared him of any deliberate wrongdoing.
But deliberate wrongdoing, referred to in a religious context as sin.
Chance had been called onto the carpet, grilled at length by the brass, and it was inconceivable that he admitted any deliberate wrongdoing.
Timmins found himself feeling apologetic and almost guilty, as if some deliberate wrongdoing of his had put these people to all this trouble.