What is truly remarkable, given these demandingly deliberate tempos, is the quality of the playing.
Instead, he adopted extraordinarily deliberate tempos that often severely tested the concentration and technical abilities of the orchestra.
Duke won by playing to its preferred deliberate tempo.
On offense, his teams play a deliberate tempo, trying to avoid the turnovers that Chaney despises.
Mr. Levine's frequently deliberate tempos are entirely plausible, or would be if they were actually sustained by the performance.
As one has come to expect from him, he sometimes took a deliberate tempo that allowed a variation to go rhythmically slack.
The Cavaliers grabbed an early 10-point lead, allowing them to dictate the deliberate tempo they wanted throughout the game.
Hopkins controlled the deliberate tempo of the game, and held a 4-2 lead going into halftime.
But again it was given a slow deliberate tempo that marred its graceful melodies.
But the deliberate tempo lends the song more depth: this brook's flowing seems inexorable and ominous.