In essence, this was one huge, deliberate snub.
He began to think it was a deliberate snub on Jordan Scheffield's part.
It was a deliberate snub, but Kleist ignored it.
To Sherwood it was a deliberate snub, since punctuality was a cardinal virtue in his value system.
Each has his own explanation, and no one will confess to a deliberate snub of the national ticket.
But at least one researcher has suggested that the naming of America was a deliberate snub of Columbus.
It was a deliberate snub that could, eventually, have only one result.
The Chinese took that as a deliberate snub.
She wondered if she should explain that it wasn't a deliberate snub and then decided that the smile was enough.
Surely he was bright enough to realise that her deliberate snub meant that she didn't want to see him again?