While the judge did not find deliberate discrimination, his ruling vividly illustrates the city's growing diversity and its sometimes surprising ramifications.
The government will have to prove deliberate discrimination on the part of the employer.
The plan was intended to undo what the judge ruled were four decades of deliberate discrimination against minorities.
Under Federal civil rights la, employers are generally required to use this defense in a case alleging deliberate discrimination.
But that type of suit, without proof of deliberate discrimination, has been made much more difficult to prove by a recent Supreme Court ruling.
One Muscovite familiar with the problems of the handicapped said the shortage of facilities for the disabled was not deliberate discrimination.
Legal experts said the suit, by avoiding the question of deliberate discrimination, marked a new turn in efforts to integrate racially divided school systems.
It would in fact only allow damages in cases of deliberate discrimination.
However, I don't think it is deliberate discrimination.