While attractive in concept, this proposal fails to recognize the deleterious consequences for Long Island residents.
Similar programs are likely to reduce the potentially deleterious consequences of polypharmacy.
Not unexpectedly, soil contaminants can have significant deleterious consequences for ecosystems.
That fertilizer is responsible for sustaining one-third of the Earth's population, but results in various deleterious environmental consequences.
It seems likely that just as extremes of neglect may have long-term deleterious consequences, so may overprotection.
But they allowed basic problems such as the debt-ridden economy to worsen with deleterious consequences.
While this may actually improve pain initially, it has deleterious long-term consequences.
Public infrastructure is normally an easy target during fiscal squeezes, with deleterious long-term consequences.
Ethnic separatism has also had deleterious academic consequences.
Costs are not apportioned for all the deleterious consequences caused, only for a small number of factors.