The delegation met with representatives of relief organizations and toured a camp for Haitian people displaced by the earthquake.
The delegation toured industrial sites, such as Haglöf Inc.'s facilities, an energy plant and a communications company.
A delegation led by Meng Yieng and agents of the Chinese government toured the country, showing communist propaganda films.
A delegation of government ministers and military leaders toured Aceh, the province where a separatist insurgency and a continuing military campaign have caused widespread bloodshed.
A delegation of family members toured Dr. Wetli's office at his invitation but were not shown remains.
A year earlier, a delegation toured American bases in Western Europe and reported that the Army and the Air Force were permitting abuses against women.
A delegation of the Russian Republic's parliament toured this country recently, crying S.O.S.
Last May, a delegation from Zaporozhtransformator toured the company's Brewster plant.
Among other things, the delegation of Soviet party officials toured a revitalized petrochemical plant and visited a village where peasants believe that getting rich is glorious.
In the last few months, Cuban delegations have toured the world trying to drum up opposition to the American resolution.