A delegation of Polish experts, led by architectural historian Jan Zachwatowicz, proposed the rebuilding of the Hauszmann palace.
The Chinese delegation proposed an amendment to have a group of "neutral nations" supervise the elections, which the North accepted.
The unanimous vote without a debate was taken after several delegations, led by Russia, had proposed changes to the plan at the behest of Iraq.
In the early 1990s, a delegation of local citizens proposed leveling the Columbia, and replacing it with a parking lot.
The Dutch delegation here also proposed limiting the substitute chemicals now being developed to replace the chlorofluorocarbons and halons that cause the most harm to the ozone layer.
The American delegation proposed instead that the statement ask for the withdrawal of naval forces only after Resolution 598 is put into effect.
In addition, the delegations must propose special training programmes for local experts so as to encourage their recruitment.
Given all this, our delegation proposes a discharge.
One Administration official said last night that the the 134,000 figure "was not far off" what the Cuban delegation had proposed.
A five-member delegation of Clayton County legislators proposed a bill to abolish the city in order to clean up corruption in the city government.