These were issued, and the delegation entered China at Hong Kong, using them and spent 3 months in China.
The delegations entered by German the official language of the host nation.
When he and his delegation entered the Prism Palace, a uniformed Ildiran military officer quickly met them.
The inner door of the airlock opened, and the welcoming delegation entered.
Before I could respond, there was a knock on the door and what appeared like a delegation entered the room.
During the opening ceremonies, the Iranian delegation entered to the 1980 disco song "Funkytown."
A number of the citizens had employed an attorney and a delegation bringing a large petition entered emphatic protest before the committee.
A delegation of contra commanders entered Nicaragua today to begin detailed talks about the size and location of cease-fire zones into which they are expected to withdraw.
The Japanese bowed politely when the American delegation entered.
As the delegation, which included several Negroes, entered the room, Seward departed through the Cabinet Room.