Its delegate urged both sides to work for "the dawn of a new era" and pointedly called on Arab radicals to shed their rigid ideologies.
The federation's delegates also urged increases in Federal aid to inner-city school districts that have experienced sharp budget cuts under the Reagan Adminsitration.
The delegates also urged each colony to set up and train its own militia.
At the meeting delegates urged the government to release prisoners, relax restrictions on civil liberties and adopt Bengali as an official language.
A delegate from the United States Department of Energy, Romulo Diaz, urged NATO members at the meeting to work together to conserve oil, American officials said.
The delegates also urged the church to fight harder to sustain aging Catholic schools in black neighborhoods; many are closing because they are expensive to maintain.
The delegates urged wider acceptance of black traditions of worship, including hymns borrowed from black Baptists and Methodists and the more emotional and physical styles of those congregations.
The delegates also urged stronger action against money-laundering, which some experts see as a possible key to striking mobsters where it hurts most, in their wallets.
Several liberal delegates from the northern republic of Slovenia urged that the document be adopted as one of the first items on the agenda.
The delegate, Huang Jiahua, suggested that his country was opposed to taking the matter beyond today's action and urged that there be sufficient time for both parties to consider the cease-fire call before other action is considered.