The delegates, in coat and tie, spent their day at a long conference table adorned by giant red roses.
But the 20 or so delegates who visited, almost outnumbered by reporters, spent hardly any time there before speeding on to the next stop.
But forecasting how much the delegates will spend is like betting on sunshine for the Fourth of July.
The delegates spend a great deal of time snapping photos of themselves around the hall, like tourists in their own headquarters.
The last delegate spent a harrowing day with the battle raging around him.
As in the previous Congress, delegates spent three days working on a range of action projects throughout Scotland.
The delegates will spend the rest of this week trying to complete the rules for buffer stock operations.
The delegates would spend months studying the issues, consulting experts, debating among themselves, and forging a consensus.
Leaks from the "plantation," as the conference center was more commonly referred to, offered a somewhat different account of how the delegates spent their time.
They are banking on the dollars the delegates will spend to provide a $190 million booster shot for the local economy and municipal morale.