The company said a six-month delay in delivery of A380's would reduce earnings by $2.6 billion over the next four years.
And the earlier the treatment is initiated the better, as any delay beyond 12 weeks reduces the chances of success.
However, the 1998 budget was delayed until 26 May, and this delay reduced foreign investors' credibility.
Analysts say that the delay could reduce investor confidence in the direction of the country's reforms.
Such a delay, scientists said, was not surprising and should not reduce the mission's research output.
This delay also reduces the risk of spreading a corneal infection to the second eye.
The delay reduces the chance that the proposal will become law this year.
There is a risk, however, that delay could reduce confidence in the whole banking system.
Such delays will reduce their food value resulting in the loss of vitamins and minerals.
This delay reduces essential cash flow and restricts the growth of the business.