The United States delayed recognition for some months, before according it on 8 April 1972.
Indeed, Spain, with its strong historical ties to the Arab world, delayed recognition of Israel until 1986.
Europe and the United States delayed recognition of the new republics for months, until prodded early this year by a German decision to do so.
Indeed, denominational questions delayed recognition of his succession by three years, until 1734, whereafter he ruled for only one more year, dying in 1735.
Taking risks is what it's all about in the end, and sometimes the price is delayed recognition.
Initially Russia continued to delay recognition of both of these republics.
The wars delayed international recognition of independent Lithuania and the formation of civil institutions.
Another quality that may have delayed recognition is the simplicity of the painter's shapes and the apparent ease with which he maps them.
Greece and Serbia had a common interest in delaying international recognition of Macedonian independence [see p. 38779 and below].
It is delaying recognition of the inclusion of external costs.