"But we were so excited that we decided to not delay publication," she said in an telephone interview.
Government shutdowns this winter have delayed publication of some elements.
The military knows that American journalists have a good record of delaying broadcasts or publication when lives are at stake.
You seem to believe that the wrong was in delaying publication of the surveillance article.
So you could easily conclude that this is a last-minute effort to delay publication.
After meeting with senior administration officials to hear their concerns, the newspaper delayed publication for a year to conduct additional reporting.
He studied elastic collisions in the 1650s but delayed publication for over a decade.
And what of the temptation to sign contracts with sponsors all but giving away the shop by, say, delaying publication?
That's a common, and generally benign, method of delaying publication.
Decisions about when to publish, and whether to delay publication, are made by editors in consultation with reporters.