In some girls, excessive exercise may even delay puberty.
It's not known why some people have delayed puberty, but most commonly there is a family history of late bloomers.
Chronic diseases can delay puberty in both boys and girls.
There was this thing back on Earth where you could delay puberty for as much as seven years, depending on your metabolism.
The more obvious and frequently encountered characteristics are delayed puberty, small testes, and obesity.
Girls who train heavily may delay puberty, keeping bone-building estrogen levels low and setting themselves up for stress fractures.
Malnutrition or anorexia nervosa severe enough to delay puberty will give other clues as well.
She had felt that if she stayed small she could delay puberty for as long as possible.
The fourth child, the favorite, was given medication to delay puberty.
They are given drugs that delay puberty for five years.