A scientific study has shown for the first time that high stress levels may delay pregnancy.
In the event of an outbreak, the woman should delay pregnancy if possible.
Other studies have shown that women who delay pregnancy to age 30 or later increase their risk.
Like many other women who delayed pregnancy, she has several concerns.
A few years before Crack began its program, a dollar-a-day program was established in Colorado to persuade young women to delay pregnancy.
As more women delay pregnancy, will early menopause be recognised more?
Emotional Factors Delaying pregnancy can be both a benefit and a risk to a couple's psychological well-being.
Many white middle-class women also started giving birth after delaying pregnancy, and this group generally advocated breast-feeding as more natural and better for babies.
Females who suffer from this disorder delayed pregnancy or avoided it altogether because of the fear of morning sickness.
"Because of disease complexity, concomitant medications and potential for disease exacerbation, women with these conditions may delay or avoid pregnancy."