Some debate between member countries repeatedly delayed the court's date of inauguration.
It may delay the onset of Aids, even if only by a small amount.
The fact that 30-year-olds are delaying marriage, career, rent-paying and other facts of adult life is not a cultural phenomenon unique to Europe.
And it has had its own production problems, although it insists they will not delay the planned 2008 start of shipments of the 787.
They were asked to delay the scheduled repayments of their bonds, with a total face value of $2.54 billion, by up to two and a half years.
The amendment would delay the benefit and cost £1.4bn of savings over the re-assessment window.
His absence would neither delay nor accelerate the course of things.
This delayed its first transmissions until 31 August 1968 of BBC2 only.
In January 2011 the trust delayed the consultation because of "unexpected details that need to be resolved".
He wanted an answer quickly, he wasn't used to delay of any kind and kept up the pressure, 'Please give me your answer,' he implored.