Dr. McGowan of Cornell says youngsters will often delay leaving the family for years after becoming sexually mature at around age 2.
The Blitz team cooperated with Boise police and delayed leaving Boise until the investigation was completed.
The afternoon began to fade, and finally Joshua couldn't find another reason to delay leaving.
Though it distressed her to think of Ayward waiting, in pain, she had not had much sleep since Ayward went and delayed leaving until dawn.
All of a sudden I could think of lots of reasons to delay leaving for town.
He was therefore not prepared when his refuge was abruptly engulfed in water from the mountains, and he delayed leaving for higher ground.
It was money that made it possible for Heller to delay leaving.
In the darkness, he delayed leaving.
Mr. Perez's family speculates that after the first plane hit, he delayed leaving so he could get Ms. Flecha.
We can catch him another time, there's no need to delay leaving.