Delay entering the field of battle until all the other players have become exhausted fighting amongst themselves.
Northwest Territories delayed entering confederation due to the Red River Rebellion.
There are instrumental teachers who think only a distinction is worth considering and therefore may delay entering candidates, causing them to restrict their repertoire unduly.
It will delay entering the Los Angeles market if the National League agrees.
But he delayed entering the canopied doorway of the Club Bolero.
The latter harmed girls, who would often delay entering school until a later age.
I delayed entering the profession for fear that I might have "settled" for it.
Those who wished to avoid a decison on whether to recite the Pledge of Allegiance could simply delay entering the chamber.
Rescuers delayed entering the mine, due to the risk of another explosion.
The judge in the case delayed entering a plea until a competency hearing could be completed, and Haq later dropped his request.