By delaying or withholding access to defence contracts the British firms could be forced into mergers.
It is the stated position of the AMA that "prayer as therapy should not delay access to traditional medical care."
One direction may vastly increase cache misses and page faults, both of which greatly delay access to memory.
But the marinas are caught in a legal wrangle with the state, which owns the land they occupy, and this will delay access.
"The agreement purports to rewrite the records law so that Bush can delay and restrict access," he said.
Doctors say the diverse requirements are onerous and can delay or deny access to needed medications.
The true cost could run to hundreds or even thousands of dollars if the little plane delayed rush-hour access to a congested runway by just one minute.
Even though the funds are insured, he said, the continued demise of many of these institutions could delay access to the money.
Articles are freely accessible after 6 months (delayed open access).
If it so chose, Japan could easily widen its lead by delaying American access to state-of-the-art technology.