I would never have guessed that the degree I earned would prepare me for a decade of dementia.
A Bachelor's degree prepares students for general employment.
This degree should prepare students for work in the developing field of natural language processing by computer.
The degree, which takes one or two years of full-time study to complete, prepares students to be professional performers, conductors, and composers.
The degree prepares teacher-scholars in two modern languages, with additional focus on their respective literatures and cultures.
This degree prepares individuals for a hands career-based approach to political science.
This degree prepares engineers and scientists for leadership roles in technology-based organizations.
A professional degree prepares the conferee for a particular profession by emphasizing skills and practical analysis over theory and research.
Both degrees currently prepare students to be eligible for the PT license examination in all 50 states.
Two-thirds of newly qualified social workers reported that their degree prepared them"just enough or not at all" for frontline practice.