The rotate function allows for movements in single degree increments with autocrop, not just the clunky quarter turn landscape to portrait adjustment.
This hook could be rotated in 90 degree increments so that it would fit under the user's forearm when the stock was extended.
Both cameras were mounted vertically on a tripod and rotated at 10 degree increments to take the pictures.
The rotation button only allows rotating in 90 degree increments.
You can rotate in 90 degree increments, both clockwise and counterclockwise, depending on what suits you best.
Surrounding the screen are four video projectors, positioned at ninety degree increments around the screen.
The player possesses the ability to "spin" the entire game world in 90 or 180 degree increments at anytime.
Movement in the dungeon is 1st person 3D, with the thumbsticks allowing the player to "peek" around before turning in 90 degree increments.
Though you should be able to turn in something less than 30 degree increments.
The camera angle can be rotated manually in 45 degree increments.